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5 facts about the ties

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5 facts about the ties

The tie is a symbol of elegance, a fundamental element to distinguish an elegant man.
It brings with it many facts that are not known to all, here you will find the five most significant and interesting ones.

The first ties

It was originally worn by soldiers to protect themselves from the cold, during the reign of Louis XIII, when the Croatian soldiers, enlisted by the king of France, were wearing a foulard around their necks.
Around 1650, the court of King Louis XIV worn ties. fashion spreads in Europe among the rich and the dandy, taking on with the passing of new centuries new styles; Until the second half of the 19th century, during the Industrial Revolution that introduced the renovation of the textile industry, it becomes more functional, with a more elongated and narrow shape.
In 1926, Jesse Langsdorf, had the idea of cutting the fabric diagonally,
dividing it into three parts, until nowadays, a period when milions and milions of people wear it for working or pleasure.

The international tie day

The modern tie was introduced by the Croatian soldiers enlisted by the king of France, they worn their traditional small knotted foulard, attracting the interest of the Parisians and in particular of Louis XIV of France, who started a new fashion. Since then ties have earned more and more popularity all over the world year after year, so much so that the International Tie Day is also celebrated in Dublin as well as in Tokyo and Sydney.

Endless node

When it comes to wearing a tie, you could be very creative, according to the swedish Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson, mathematician at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, he was watching a video tutorial on YouTube that teaches how to knot a tie, where it was present the tie used by the “Merovingian”, a “Matrix” character.
Changing the parameters based on the mathematical rules previously used for the nodes, Vejdemo-Johansson has found 177.147 possible ways to knot this accessory. He has even created a random online node generator based on his mathematical calculations.

The most expensive tie

The most expensive tie in the world is the Suashish tie, created by the Satya Paul Design Studio, it cost € 189.190. With the objectvie to make it a masterpiece, the Studio Satya Paul Design has collaborated with the Suashish Diamond Group to create the best ties in luxury and extravagance. It is make of pure high quality silk and embellished with 150 grams of gold and 271 diamonds.

The biggest tie

Croatian passionate of the Academia Cravatica, an organization that aims to promote and defend the culture of the tie, in 2003 created the largest tie in the world, stitching together strips of fabric for a maximum length of 808 meters and at its widest point 25 meters, with the narrowest point of 8 meters.
The work for the creation of this record lasted 5 days for the members of the Academia Cravatica, and finally they knotted it around the ancient Roman arena of Pula.

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